这个电影好可爱啊 故事很像宫崎骏的鲁邦大盗 画风有点费里尼的la dolce vita 音乐极好 两个多小时仿佛听了一套交响乐乐章 “What I wanted, I took. I wanted you— I tried to take you— but when I held you in my arms — the very world did change. The evil in me died” “I can bear a thousand tortures, endure a thousand deaths — but not thy tears” “The old man of the midnight sea”
玛蒂尔达·鲁茨,波西亚·德·罗西,伊瓦娜·洛蒂托,费德里科·伊帕迪,南多·鲍勒,阿莱西奥·普拉蒂科,Ernesto D'Argenio,马龙·朱伯特 ,朱塞佩·洛·皮科洛,Lorenzo de Moor,约萨法特·瓦尼,Leon de la Vallée,Orlando Cinque,Simone Corbisiero,Gianmarco Vettori,Pietro Micci,Giulio Beranek,Astrid Casali,Simone Proietti